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series of postcards: all about me!

This was a personal development brief to design a series of postcards that say something about who I am, my interests in graphic design and my wider cultural influences and interests.

Postcard one: childhood

A time of simplicity. Having the freedom to play and explore.

The layout and colours in this illustration are simple to suggest the innocence of childhood.

childhood postcard
student postcard

Postcard two: in between

A time for learning through academic study in architecture. I discovered design skills, proportional systems and technical precision.

The layout is based on the proportions of the golden section with the limited colour palette symbolising an architectural drawing

Postcard three: now

This card represents the person that I have become. So many things touch our lives and contribute to who we are. Together they create the intricate and unique pattern that makes us individual.

now postcard

copyright 2022 Judith Law

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